Quote of the Month

"The past cannot hurt you anymore not unless you let it"  (Alan Moor)

Why did I choose this quote?

I wanted to use this Blog to share quotes that hold meaning to me. I do love a daily quote and affirmation! I get they are not everyone's cup of tea but for me personally I find them helpful. Given the choice I would happily have this particular one tattooed on my arm as a daily reminder but I only like my tattoos to have pictures not words!! This quote holds so much resonance to me because there have been so many times where I have been so consumed by things that have happened to me in the past.

Sitting with feelings of guilt and shame, still feeling hurt and angry and overthinking experiences that have happened to me over the years, has been extremely detrimental to my own mental health. Using this quote to learn to let go, externalise my thoughts and feelings and asking for help when these thoughts cannot be processed or got rid of and being able to then ground myself and bring myself back to the here and now is so important. So, seeing this quote and actually having one of my own counsellors say something similar was so helpful and healing.

I have it printed out and on my board in my kitchen and also have it saved as one of my screensavers on my phone, just seeing it and saying it out loud is really affirming, why don't you give it a go too.....